Kenya ramps up for monumental 2024 Safari Rally with record-breaking ambitions


Preparations for the much-anticipated 2024 World Rally Championship Safari Rally in Kenya are in full swing, following the recent appointment of the event’s senior management team by Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba.

With an eye on surpassing previous global broadcast viewership records, the organizers are setting a bold target of reaching 100 million viewers for the competition, which is scheduled for 28 March  to 31.

This remarkable event, marking the third round of the 2024 World Rally Championship series, is expected to draw its largest audience yet, especially given its timing over the Easter holidays.

The Safari Rally, a gem in Kenya’s sporting crown, made a triumphant return to the global circuit three years ago, capturing the attention of approximately 80 million viewers in 2022. While the viewership numbers for last year’s competition are still pending, expectations for this year are sky-high.

In a significant move, Cabinet Secretary Namwamba unveiled a robust team to spearhead the event, led by iconic Kenyan rally driver Jim Kahumbura as the Event Director.

The team blends experienced hands with fresh talent, reflecting the dynamic nature of the Kenyan motorsport scene.

“The Safari Rally is woven into the fabric of our nation’s heritage, and we are proud to showcase this championship to the world,” said Namwamba.

In his address, Namwamba emphasized the importance of teamwork and the unique opportunity to introduce the excitement of rally racing to fellow Kenyans. He also highlighted the rapid growth within the Kenyan motorsport ecosystem, from karting to buggies, and expressed his aspirations for an unforgettable event.

Furthermore, he announced plans for enhanced social and alternative media strategies to drum up support for the rally.

Another exciting development is the amplification of the “Hustlers’ Bazaar” initiative, launched last year, which offers a formidable platform for local traders and artists to benefit from the global stage provided by the WRC Safari Rally.

Additionally, the sports ministry plans to roll out a comprehensive merchandising and marketing program to capitalize on the rally’s iconic status.

The 2024 edition of the WRC Safari Rally Kenya marks a return to its traditional Easter date, a shift from its recent June scheduling.

This change is expected to elevate the event’s atmosphere, drawing more spectators to Naivasha for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

A potential change in venue is also on the horizon, with plans to move the ceremonial finish podium, awards ceremony, and post-event press conference from the Service Park at the Wildlife Research and Training Institute (WRTI) to the end of the Power Stage at Hell’s Gate National Park.

The Safari Rally, following the Rallye Monte-Carlo and Rally Sweden, will kick off at the iconic Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi.

The list of senior officials, a blend of expertise and experience, unveiled by Namwamba includes Event Director Jim Kahumbura, Assistant Event Director Chris Kirwa, Clerk of the Course Gurvir Bhabra HSC, and a host of other vital roles, ensuring that every aspect of the event is managed with precision and care.

In summary, with a team led by legends, an ambitious viewership goal, and strategic enhancements, the 2024 Safari Rally Kenya is gearing up to be not just a rally event, but a global spectacle showcasing the best of Kenya’s sporting spirit and the thrilling world of rally racing.

Senior officials of the 2024 WRC Safari Rally Kenya

Event Director: Mr Jim Kahumbura

Assistant Event Director: Mr Chris Kirwa

Clerk of the Course: Mr Gurvir Bhabra HSC

Deputy Clerk of the Course: Mr Onkar Kalsi

Assistant Clerks of the Course: Mr George Mwangi, Mr Nazir Yakub, Mr George Njoroge, Mr Hudson Ojiambo, Mr Vincent Kaduki

Route Liaison/ Media Safety: Mr Anwar Sidi

Assistant to Route Liaison: Ms Tabitha Nashipae

Chief Safety Officer: Mr Norris Ongalo

Deputy Safety Officer: Mr Anthony Muchere

Assistant Safety Officer: Mr Philip Pande

Chief Scrutineer: Mr Musa Locho

Scrutineers: Mr Aggrey Techera Okunyanyi, Mr Felix Amu, Mr Joseph Kiget

Chief Medical Officer: Prof Raj Jutley

Deputy Medical Officer: Dr David Karuri

Assistant Medical Officer: Dr Denis Kipkemoi Rono

Competitor Relations Officers: Ms Jenny Dance, Ms Joan Nesbitt, Mr Douglas Makhulo

Chief Controller: Mr Harjit Sagoo

Assistant Controller: Mr Sammy Sugut

Chief Timekeeper: Mr Darash Patel

Assistant Timekeepers: Ms Catherine Mukabahati, Mr Kizito Makhande

Chief Rescue Officer: Mr Darshak Patel

Service Park Coordinator: Mr Joel Muchiri

Deputy Service Park Co-ordinator: Mr Mark Linus Makhulo

Environmental Officer: Ms Anna Ogema

National Press Officer: Mr Elias Makori

Assistant Press Officers: Mr Vincent Voiyoh, Ms Mary Wavinya

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