Natnael Tesfatsion clinches Eritrean Cycling Championship 2024


Eritrean cyclist Natnael Tesfatsion, a member of the American Team Lidl Trek, emerged as the winner of the Eritrean Cycling Championship 2024 held at the weekend. Natnael completed the 173.4km race in 4 hours, 7 minutes, and 52 seconds, securing the Gold Medal.

Aklilu Arefaine, a member of the Belgian Team Wanty-ReUz-Technord, and Metkel Eyob, a member of the Malaysian Terengganu Cycling Team, won second and third place, respectively.

Winners of the Eritrean Cycling Championship 2024. PHOTO: Eritrea Ministry of Information.

Professional riders Merhawi Kudus, Biniam Girmay, and Henok Mulubrhan finished in fourth, fifth, and sixth place respectively.

In the Under 23 category, Aklilu Arefaine, his teammate Mewael Girmay, and Yafet Mulugeta from Team Eri-Tel secured first, second and third place.

In the females’ elite category, Ksanet Woldemicael from Sorair-Sawa won first place, while Adiam Dawit from Denden Club and Romna Gu’ush from Denden Club claimed second and third place respectively.

Action at Eritrean Cycling Championship 2024. PHOTO: Eritrea Ministry of Information.
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