Madagascar’s Tsiaro Mampiarina Manuela claims inaugural Swahili Esports Championships title


Tsiaro Mampiarina Manuela from Madagascar claimed the title at the first-ever female Swahili Esports Championships in Africa. The groundbreaking event unfolded at the Sarit Center Expo in Nairobi, Kenya.

From 18 to 19 November, the competition brought together eight formidable players from diverse African nations, including Benin, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Kenya. TEKKEN was the chosen battleground, and the intensity of the battles underscored the burgeoning talent in the African esports scene.

Tsiaro Mampiarina Manuela secured the top spot, clinching a well-deserved cash prize of $1000. Queen Arrow followed closely with a noteworthy performance, earning a cash prize of $500. Not to be overshadowed, Feble and Black Angel showcased their prowess, walking away with $300 and $200, respectively.

The esports market in Africa is experiencing exponential growth, with Kenya alone generating a revenue of $46 million in 2022

President of France Esports and Founder of SAGES Desire Koussawo expressed excitement the just concluded tournament and reiterated the commitment of the French Embassy to support esports in Kenya.

“The esports market in Africa is experiencing exponential growth, with Kenya alone generating a revenue of $46 million in 2022,” Koussawo said.

Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Sports and Culture Ababu Namwamba emphasized the need for the country to explore the creative economy to create opportunities for young people. “This burgeoning economy could become a critical contributor to Kenya’s GDP. The nation is headed in the right direction with partners like the French Institute and NAICCON,” Namwamba said.

NAICCON, a platform for African creatives in the digital arts, collaborated with the Swahili Esports Champions 2023 to empower and showcase the untapped potential of female esports players in Africa. Ann Ndanu, Co-Founder of NAICCON, highlighted the tournament’s success, with over 2,500 Kenyan gamers, animators, and gaming creators in attendance over the two-day exhibition.

The Swahili Esports Champions 2023 aims to stimulate entrepreneurship within the esports scene, specifically emphasizing female entrepreneurship in gaming across the continent. The event, held in partnership with NAICCON, provided a space for female gamers to shine, fostering meaningful conversations about the growth of the esports industry in Kenya and beyond.

In addition to the TEKKEN competition, the NAICCON dedicated a day to insightful discussions and professional meetings focused on the burgeoning esports sector in Africa. The event featured distinguished guests from various sectors of the esports ecosystem, fostering a comprehensive dialogue on the challenges, successes, and prospects of female entrepreneurship in the African esports landscape.

NAICCON (Nairobi Comic Convention) is a platform for African creatives in the digital arts to enhance, collaborate, and showcase their talents globally. Since 2014, NAICCON has held seven pop culture events, bringing together thousands of enthusiasts and empowering the next generation of creatives.

SAGES, meanwhile, is a leading organization dedicated to advancing Africa’s gaming and esports industry. Committed to fostering inclusivity and excellence, SAGES organizes events and initiatives that promote talent, innovation, and entrepreneurship within the gaming community, catalyzing industry growth and championing diversity and skill development in the esports arena.

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